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Stabilizer by the yard

Basic Sewing Supplies > Stabilizer by the yard
Showing 1 - 45 of results

Fusible Web Paper Backed 17in x 35yds


Pellon Soft-N-Stay 20in x 25yd White - BTY


Shape Flex Woven Cotton 60in x 10yds


Stitch N Tear 20in


Armo Weft 24" wide white


Batting Double Sided Fusible


Clear-Backed Fusible Web by Pellon


Cut-Away Plus 1 yard package


Decor Bond Heavy Fusible #809 Pellon 45in x 25yds


Duet Fuse II Double Sided Fusible Batting Bolt 45" - sold BTY


Easy Piecing Grid - 1 inch finished grid


Easy Piecing Grid - 1.5 inch finished grid


EZ-Steam Lite


EZSteam Board II 20in x 20yd


Fabric Shield - 10.5 oz.


Fabric Shield 5.85 oz.


French Fuse - black


Fuse 'n Stitch 20 X 5 yd. roll


Fusi-Bond Lite Iron On Adhesive


Fusible Fleece - 45


Iron On Vinyl 17 - Gloss Finish


Lite Steam-A-Seam 2 24 inches


Lite Steam-A-Seam2 12"


Lite Steam-A-Seam2 18


Luxe Interfacing Delano Med wt


Misty Fuse White Ultra Violet


Pellon 805 Wonder Under Fusible Webs & Adhesives - Paper Backing 17" wide


Peltex II Fusible Stabilizer Pellon 20


PlumEasy Piecing 25 pack of printable interfacing sheets


Refill Kit, Sew Together Wallet


Shape Flex Fusible - 20" Black


Shape Flex Fusible 20X 25yds


Stabilzer Wash-N-Gone Pellon 19in x 25 yds


Steam-A-Seam 2 24 inches


SteamASeam 2, 18"x25yd


Stitch N Shape Double Sided Fusible (15" wide)


Sulky Tear-Easy Stabilizer - Black


Tear Away Med WtWhite 25yds


Tear-Easy 1 yard package


Totally Stable 20


Trans Web 17inx35yd Clear


Tuffet Printed Fusible Interfacing


Two Side Decor Bond Fusible 20x20yd White


Ultra Weft Natural 20"


Wonder Web 20
